Welcome! Have a look around and join the discussions.
FidoMember - Announcements
This is where FidoAdmins share information about our operation with our members. As members, we all share the load.
1FidoMember - Committees
As members, we all play a role in our success. This is where committees communicate with other FidoMembers for opinions and feedback.
0FidoPilots - Review & Feedback
A place to openly share your experiences with a FidoPilot. In the spirit of transparency... We want to see honest reviews and opinions.
This is where Fido admin staff share information about special deals our members can receive.
Here is where people can ask questions of our admins on features of our site or technical issues you may find.
0General Discussion
Share stories, ideas, pictures and more!
3Questions & Answers
Get answers and share knowledge.
0Memorial Wall - Pets
Share the legacy of your furry friend.. Tell the story of their life and how they complimented our world.
0Memorial Wall - Rescuers
Share a story of someone who has dedicated their life to caring for pets.
These are play date locations for our four legged friends that are recommended by FidoMembers.
0Pet Health
Here is where members share their opinions on pet health. Warning: Anything medical should be cleared through your vet first.
1New Dog Owners
This forum is for new dog owners to connect and learn from those with more experience.